Book Clubs
Join our lively discussions of popular titles. We have many groups to choose from. Newcomers are always welcome.
Book CLubs For Adults

page by page (ELL)
Meets every Wednesday at 1pm on Zoom to help English Language Learners practice English.

Genre Book Club
Join us quarterly to explore a different genre, discuss books, survey subgenres, and share favorites. Books will be available at the help desk one month before the book club.

Popcorn & Poetry
Meets the third Thursday of the month at 6:30pm. Pick up a copy of the book at the library and dive into the world of poetry with fellow enthusiasts.

Silent Book Club
Silent Book Club is a gathering of a community of readers. Read silently for an hour, and then, if you’d like, come together to talk about books. There is no assigned reading. All kinds of readers are welcome.
Book CLub Kits

Book Club Kits
Browse the library catalog for a full list of book club kits!
Kits include 8-10 copies of the book, plus discussion questions
& author biographies that will enhance your discussion.
Book CLubs For Teens

Books & Bites
Join us to discuss a great YA read while eating some delicious snacks! Registrants receive a free copy of the book to keep, and who doesn’t like free stuff? Grab your book at the Reader’s Advisory Desk on the main level.
This group meets the third Wednesday of every month. The first five registrants receive a free copy of the book to keep. Check our events calendar or reach out to our teen librarians for more information.
Book Clubs for Kids

Join other 9-12 year-olds for discussion and games related to a new graphic novel. Participants in this popular series receive a free copy of the book after registering.
Kids ages 8-12 can enjoy pizza, activities and lively discussions! The first five registrants keep a free book; others get library copies.
Instill a love of learning for beginning readers ages 5-8 in the Book Worms Book Club. Register for the group and receive a bag of activities related to a new easy reader series each session. Meet up in person to enjoy more activities related to the series with other kids.
Each session, we focus on a historical figure, learning about their achievements through a picture-book biography read-aloud. There is a brief discussion about their story and then do a craft or activity based around that person’s life! The intended age is 5-8.